Cleaning your warehouse or office floors are already part of your cleaning routine. But deep cleaning is more important now than ever. To prevent the spread of coronavirus, cleaning in warehouses and offices will help keep your employees and customers safe.
Since the coronavirus outbreak arrived in the UK, workplace hygiene has been a key focus. And many companies that are still operational want to know if they need to change anything about their cleaning methods. The UK government have produced a guide called Covid-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings, outlining measures businesses should take in the fight against coronavirus.
Guide to Coronavirus Cleaning in Warehouses and Offices
Here we summarise the key points of government advice for cleaning your warehouse or workspace if someone with suspected coronavirus has spent time there.
- Use normal household disinfectant. It is an effective cleanser for reducing the risk of spreading the virus.
- Domestic workers should wear disposable or washing-up gloves and aprons for cleaning.
- Once worn, the gloves and aprons should be double-bagged. Store them securely for 72 hours (as risk of infection is likely to be significantly reduced after this time)
- After the 72 hours is up, dispose of the bag in the regular rubbish.
- If using manual cleaning methods, use disposable cleaning cloths and mop heads. Clean hard surfaces with warm soapy water. Then disinfect these surfaces with the cleaning products you normally use. Avoid splashing or spraying as you clean.
- Steam clean upholstered furniture or carpeted areas.
- Pay particular attention to frequently touched areas and surfaces, such as bathrooms, grab-rails in corridors and stairwells and door handles
- If you suspect an area has been heavily contaminated, such as with visible bodily fluids, from a person with coronavirus (COVID-19), use protection for the eyes, mouth and nose (like visors and masks), as well as wearing gloves and an apron. Staff must be trained in how to fit and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly.
- Make sure all employees continue to wash hands regularly. Use soap and water and clean for 20 seconds. You must also wash hands after removing gloves, aprons and other protection used while cleaning to reduce the risk infection.
How can Floor Cleaning Machines Help with Fighting Coronavirus?
Floor cleaning machines have many advantages over manual cleaning. And they can help even further by reducing the spread of coronavirus.
Cloths or mop heads can hold on to germs after cleaning. This means that viruses can be spread if they’re reused. Automated floor cleaners permanently remove germs and significantly reduce the risk of recontamination. You can also control the amount of disinfectant you use on a contaminated area for even more effective results.
Using a floor cleaning machine is also safer for the user. There’s less need for the cleaner to make contact with potential sources of infection.
You can also clean large areas quickly and more thoroughly with a machine, again reducing the risk of infection spread.
If you’re finding you’re deep cleaning more often, buy or hire commercial cleaning machines to ensure your warehouse or workplace are safer. Speak to the team at Eco Energy Cleaning Solutions in Widnes. Call 0151 424 0026 for our expert advice or take a look our fantastic range of commercial floor cleaning machines.